First time here?
Morning Service only - Every Sunday from 11am to 12pm
Please note all services are recorded and available online.
There is ample parking available at the front of the church on the road, or down Orangefield Lane. Parking in the church grounds is reserved on Sundays for the minister, young families and disabled people. Once a month Tea & Coffee/biscuits are provided in the half-hour prior to the morning service which provides an opportunity for people to have fellowship together before worship commences.
Holy Communion is generally celebrated once a month, usually on the first Sunday morning of the month (occasionally this varies - the Church Calendar has details). You do not have to be a church member, or a Methodist, to join with us - as we say, "The table is the table of the Lord, and is open to all who love Him or who earnestly seek to love Him".

There is disabled parking available in the church grounds and a ramp is available for those requiring it. Inside the church we can provide you with soft seating if you require it (please advise in advance of your visit if so), and a loop system is installed for those with hearing difficulties.
If you have difficulties standing please feel free to sit through the service and if you wish to stay for Holy Communion when this is available, please discuss your needs prior to the service with those at the door or indeed anyone inside, who will ensure the Minister is made aware of your needs and can accommodate them. We have a few people already who just sit in their seats and have communion brought to them.
There is ample access for wheelchair users. If you have any other needs you require us to help you with, please advise us before your visit if at all possible.
A single unisex toilet with disabled access is available in the lobby.
​Little Blooms
Sunday School is for children of Primary School age. We have a range of Bible stories, songs, games and crafts. Children come into church at the start of the service, and then go to the main hall after approximately 20 minutes until the main service ends.
Bible Class is for children of Secondary School age, up to the age of 16. It meets at the same time as Sunday School, and generally we have a relaxed Bible discussion, with time to chat together about what we're learning, and what's going on in the rest of our lives.
If you would like your child to attend Sunday School or Bible Class, just send them to church on any Sunday. The stewards will introduce you to the Sunday School teachers, who will be happy to tell you more.